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Petaquilla Minerals Ltd
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Shares Issued 222,230,161
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Market Cap C$ 115,559,684
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Petaquilla denies owing money to Jamieson

2013-01-14 13:48 ET - Street Wire

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by Mike Caswell

Petaquilla Minerals Ltd. denies owing any money to a contractor that is suing the company in the Supreme Court of British Columbia over unpaid invoices. Petaquilla says it had no agreement with the contractor, Jamieson Consulting Pty. Ltd., and did not own the Molejon mine where the contractor claims to have worked. Even if there were an agreement, Jamieson did not do all the required work, according to Petaquilla.

The company is responding to a lawsuit that Jamieson filed at the Vancouver courthouse on Nov. 2, 2012. According to the suit, Jamieson performed "productivity improvement" services at Petaquilla's Molejon gold mine in Panama in 2010 or 2011. It had a budget of $1,174,500 plus travel expenses. (All figures are in U.S. dollars.)

Jamieson complained that it only received partial payment for its invoices, with $401,929 outstanding after its contract came to an end. The suit sought a $401,929 judgment, plus interest and court costs.

Petaquilla says no money owing

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