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by Will Purcell
The diamond and specialty minerals stocks box score for Tuesday was a positive 89-76-145 as the TSX Venture Exchange fell fractionally to 548. The annual Prospectors and Developers Association of Canada trade show in Toronto, Canada's premier dog and pony show for mining promoters, is but a month away and exploration companies long ago jockeyed for prime floor space on the various exhibition floors. Unfortunately, diamond explorers will be about as rare as their underlying commodity again this year.
Oh, to be sure, Ewan Mason and George Read's Star Diamond Corp. (DIAM: $0.075) will be there, and one hopes -- but expects otherwise -- that by then its 100-per-cent interest in the Fort a la Corne diamond project in Saskatchewan will set in stone. Not there, as usual, are Canada's main public diamond miners, as they presumably consider themselves above the need to hawk brochures to willing investors strolling by. Also absent are those that could dearly use the attention, but are too cash strapped to make an appearance.
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