Ms. Sharyn Alexander reports
Sun Summit Minerals Corp. has released additional assay results from recent stepout drilling at the Buck Main target as part of a multistage exploration program across its 52,000-hectare Buck project, located in central British Columbia. Results indicate significant expansion potential along the northwestern extent of known mineralization.
- Results indicate that significant gold, silver and zinc mineralization extends laterally beyond limits of previous drilling and defines strong depth potential where previous drilling is sparse:
- Hole BK23-094 returned 1.26 grams per tonne gold equivalent over 43.5 metres from 18.5 metres depth, including 1.0 metre of 16.97 g/t AuEq, in a 100-metre stepout to the northwest.
- Hole BK23-091 bottomed in mineralization, intersecting 0.72 g/t AuEq over 11.7 metres to the end of the hole.
- Hole BK23-089 bottomed in 0.63 g/t AuEq over 10.2 metres, suggesting mineralization increases at untested depths to the north.
- Assays from remaining drill holes are pending, with results expected to be released as they are received and analyzed.
Sharyn Alexander, Sun Summit's president, stated: "This latest round of drill results from Buck Main demonstrates strong continuity of mineralization in three dimensions and adds considerable scale to the extent of the known system, which still remains open. These holes primarily tested undefined margins of the well-mineralized, northwest-trending structural corridor and were successful at finding additional significant mineralization to the north, west and at depth. Results from these holes speak to the unique nature of Buck Main, and are in line with expected grade thresholds of a possible near-surface, bulk-tonnage gold system."
Drill program details
The recently completed drill program at the Buck Main target consisted of 3,736 metres over 13 diamond drill holes aimed at testing the lateral and vertical extents of near-surface gold-silver-zinc mineralization (see June 8, 2023, news release). Improved understanding on the controls of mineralization assisted in drill targeting, which focused on fault structures and veins that are often associated with high-grade and disseminated mineralization elsewhere within the Buck Main zone.
Results from seven holes discussed in this release indicate that significant gold, silver and zinc mineralization extends laterally beyond limits of previous drilling and at depth to the north and west where previous drilling is sparse.
The first two drill holes from the drill program (see Sept. 6, 2023, news release) indicate that significant mineralization extends laterally to the east and at depth. Analytical results for the remaining four holes drilled at Buck Main are pending and will be released as they are received and analyzed.
Holes BK23-093 and BK23-094 were drilled to target the extent of previous drilling which outlined mineralization open to the northwest. Hole BK23-094 returned 43.5 metres of 1.26 g/t AuEq from near surface (18.5 metres), including 1.0 metre of 16.97 g/t AuEq (see an attached table), expanding the width of near-surface mineralization to the northwest. The hole was collared to target the extent of known mineralization in an area which has seen limited drilling. This step direction is perpendicular to the dominant trend of mineralization defined by the northwest-trending Buck structural corridor.
Holes BK23-090, BK23-091 and BK23-092 were drilled to target the northwestern extent of disseminated mineralization in an area that has seen sparse drilling. The drill holes show a continuity of mineralization, with hole BK23-091 intersecting 0.72 g/t AuEq over 11.7 metres to the end of the hole (see an attached table), defining a strong potential to the northern and western extents of Buck Main.
Holes BK23-088 and BK23-089 targeted the northern extension of hydrothermal breccia and disseminated mineralization. Results were encouraging, showing a continuity of mineralization to vertical depths of over 300 m below surface. Hole BK23-089 bottomed in 0.63 g/t AuEq over 10.2 metres (see an attached table), suggesting mineralization increases and improves at untested depths to the north.
Quality assurance/quality control
All sample assay results have been monitored through the company's quality assurance/quality control program. Drill core was sawn in half at Sun Summit's core logging and processing facility in Houston, B.C. Half of the core was sampled and shipped by a bonded courier in sealed and secure bags to the ALS Global preparation facilities in Langley, B.C. Samples were prepared using standard preparation procedures. Following sample preparation, the pulps were sent to the ALS Global analytical laboratory in North Vancouver, B.C., for analysis. ALS Global is registered to ISO/IEC 17025:2017 accreditations for laboratory procedures.
Core samples were analyzed for 33 elements by ICP-MS on a 0.25-gram aliquot using a four-acid digestion (method ME-ICP61). Gold was analyzed by fire assay on a 30-gram aliquot with an AAS finish (method Au-AA23). Samples with greater than 10 parts per million gold were reanalyzed by fire assay using a gravimetric finish on a 30-gram aliquot. Samples with greater than 100 ppm silver were reanalyzed using an ore-grade four-acid digestion and ICP-AES finish. Samples with greater than 10,000 ppm zinc were reanalyzed using an ore-grade four-acid digestion and ICP-AES finish. In addition to ALS Global laboratory QA/QC protocols, Sun Summit implements a rigorous internal QA/QC program that includes the insertion of duplicates, standards and blanks into the sample stream.
National Instrument 43-101 disclosure
This news release has been approved by Sun Summit's vice-president of exploration, Ken MacDonald, PGeo, a qualified person as defined in NI 43-101. He has also verified the data disclosed, including sampling, analytical and test data, underlying the technical information in this news release.
Community engagement
Sun Summit is engaging with first nations on whose territory the Buck project is located and is discussing their interests and identifying contract and work opportunities, as well as opportunities to support community initiatives. The company looks forward to continuing to work with local and regional first nations as the project continues.
About Sun Summit Minerals Corp.
Sun Summit Minerals is a mineral exploration company focused on expanding its gold, silver and zinc discovery at its flagship Buck project, located in north-central British Columbia.
Sun Summit is committed to environmental and social responsibility, with a focus on accountable development and building respectful and beneficial relationships with indigenous and local communities.
We seek Safe Harbor.
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