Terms of Use
These Terms of Use apply to all Stockwatch end-user products and services, unless otherwise noted, including the Stockwatch
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The Stockwatch Properties are owned and operated by Canjex Publishing Ltd. (doing
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9. Termination
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12. Additional Notices, Conditions and Disclaimers
12.1. External Web Links
The Stockwatch Properties contain links to many other web sites. Stockwatch is not responsible for the content,
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12.2. Stockwatch Headlines
Stockwatch routinely adds its own pithy, 55-character filing headlines to news releases, leaving out the spin,
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headlines are Stockwatch's take on the news. Of course, the company's own headline remains sacrosanct, appearing
verbatim, without length restriction, in large, striking capital letters, immediately above the company's news release.
12.3 Governing Law
These Terms of Use are governed by the provincial laws of British Columbia and the federal laws of Canada.